You like us! You really, really like us!
So, the Noname Nerd has been in unofficial operation for over a year. We're a small, family operation with a mission of creating a space where nerds can feel like they belong. There have been ups and downs and money leaving when none came in. However, we are on a bit of a roll. We have a Facebook page with over 4,000 likes, an Instagram with over 2,000 followers, and the one that I am most proud of is a thriving and very active private Facebook group quickly closing on 2,000 members.
If you don't know, Facebook uses anonymous surveys to monitor the quality of businesses that are advertising on Facebook. This actually has some very real implications for everything from costs of advertising to even sanctions possibly placed on businesses. Including for the Noname Nerd, Facebook is a significant force in the life of small businesses like this one. Here's the really exciting news. You like us! You really like us! In fact, we just received a HIGH score in customer feedback!
You like the hard work that we put into finding quality products that make you laugh, smile, or just tap into your nerdy side. You like the late nights that I stay up hand packaging many of our products so that they are mailed to you on time. You like the hours we put into responding to customer questions or fixing the problems that inevitably arise. Nerds might not always feel like they below, but you have made us feel like we belong.
I just wanted to offer thanks to all of you Nerds out there for your ongoing support of our little business. It's been an adventure and we are so pleased to have you along with us!